1. An alternative spelling of the word "fairy." A magic creature from the mythology of Arcadia, legedary for their mischief and prank-making. Most are fond of sweets, music, and play. Various common types of fae-folk include (but are not limited to) the sprite, the pixie, the dryad, the nymph, the satyr, the sylph, and the leprechaun.

2. A derogatory term used to insult a homosexual or to challenge a man's masculinity.
1. The faery and the Tehkella unicorn fell into a heated debate about the mating habits of dragons.

2. That dude just called my friend a faery, but I swear he's metrosexual, not gay.
by FaeryMagic December 30, 2005
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basically just a different way to spell fairy, typically used by left winged gen z feminists as a way of showing how cool and quirky and different they are and to seem really spiritual and woke
"do u not know what a faerie is????? faeries are so different from fairies how dare you even insinuate that i spelled it wrong u incel"
by menace2urmom August 7, 2021
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My friend Ryan is such a faerie that he has sex with men frequently.
by KFCConspiracy September 26, 2006
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Our same sex life spiritual partners. See homospiritual. Same sex individuals with whom we have a deep spiritual connection, possible past life conections, or magick connections. A reclamation of the word fairy, which is largely frowned upon and found to be insulting to the GBLTQ community.
I want you to meet Kate, we're faeries. We've lived multiple lives together.
by letter-b May 6, 2010
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1: see "fairy"
2: an insult
1: My cousin believes in faeries, but what the f*** does she know?

2: Move it you faery!
by Gwen Stefani Grrl September 21, 2003
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A group of homosexuals and gypsies that attempt to make music.
"You are SHIT! - A popular song performed by Chaos Faerie after looking in the mirror.

Herpes > BrokenCyde > Chaos Faerie.
by ChaosShit July 12, 2009
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