Tiffany and Liz joke and make FOL noises for fun.
by fannahhh September 23, 2009
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Used to counter the annoying "fml" (Fuck My Life)fad. It stands for "Fantastic Overal Life".

While people go though actual hardships and struggles throughout the world, teenagers are using the acronym "fml" to describe the one bad thing that happened to them all week. They may have stubbed their toe, but others are starving and going without shelter, why should teens be allowed to patronize their problems? FOL is the counter to this statement and is the most recent growing slang of the current age.
"This morning I found a five dollar bill in my pocket, FOL!"

Jonny: Dude Becky dumped me. FML.
Larry: Dude, not cool. Your better than that.
Jonny: ur so rite dude. U kno wat...I got Becky to dump me, she was all over my case. FOL!
by FP_JGTT March 30, 2009
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It is when you say something and it is stupid or retarded and you say FOL to the person.....
by STERELL July 9, 2010
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There really isn't an example to the word FOL. Well actually, if you like to fuck outside then you can use this term.
by Infamous Rapid Fire March 26, 2010
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Tim: dude, I'll email you that pic of the chick I met yesterday.
*email sends*
Nathan: FOL, what a babe.
by -Lettuce March 17, 2010
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A hybrid of the famous chat room acronyms, "LOL" and "FML". The letter "F" represents the word, "Fuck", "O" representing "Out" and "L" meaning "Loud". It means that one would say the word, "Fuck", well, out loud.
When Jeremy wrote "I can''t wait for tonight, Sweet-Tits!" on his girlfriend's friend's myspace page, whom he is banging, and not on his girlfriend's myspace page, whom he is supposed to be exclusively banging, he FOL'ed.
by Nakedmaggy November 20, 2009
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