a school full of the rich kids who aren't smart enough to go to st. marks or hockaday.
she's stupid rich
she must go to episcopal school dallas
by litfamsocool1234 December 13, 2016
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1. A school full of lax bro's and athletes. They pride

themselves on athletics but only have 2 good teams.

2. Where rich white kids go, to get away from

lacrosse and country clubs.

3. Where cheating is okay, and people

get into college by donating a building.
Preppy Boy 1: Man your lax skills are insane. Where do you go to school?
Preppy Boy 2: Episcopal school dallas, man, they have insane sports.
Preppy Boy 1: Figured.
by laxalldayeveryday March 10, 2017
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E- everyone
S- st marks
D- denied
"hey did you get into st marks"
"nah they waitlisted me but its chill bc my dad donated a building to esd so im going there"
"wow gotta love the episcopal school of dallas"
by fuckshitup746 January 24, 2020
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