adj. having the qualities of Eeyore, i.e. being strikingly gloomy, sad or ho hummish on a chronic basis.
Check out the eeyoric goth chick with the tears tattooed on her cheeks. So sad.

She's probably upset because she's at Baskin Robbins instead of her dark castle.

Yeah. Her dark castle in 1398.
by gnostic1 March 5, 2011
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Eeyore is a fictional character from The Adventures of Pooh and Friends, who is known as the depressing donkey. Nowadays, calling someone an Eeyore subliminally means calling someone an emo asshole, taken from his literal description of character.
"OMG Stephen, I don't give a crap about your lies you fricken EEYORE!"
by Kimi-San July 18, 2006
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1.a kickass hidden song at the end of Scissors on Slipknots second album.

2.a depressed donkey the man that made me, greet the can i came from, oh, the fucking sacred heart of jesus, blew it in a back room, feelin like a real goon, slam the fuck aside man, IM ON YOU'RE NOT!!

2.eeyore the donkey
by dan ramP October 7, 2006
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Adjective; moody, depressive or glum

Derived from Winnie The Poo character Eeyore.
I was Eeyoric when i realised you had gone for good.
by Icoe March 27, 2005
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a character in a gay sex reality tv show called "winnie the pooh" eeyore, unlike his other friends is the only one that doesn't take anti-depressants and influences kids to be emo and that their future houses will be a bunch of sticks in the middle of the hundred acre woods. Although he may not cut himself, he enjoys stabbing his ass with a nail and decorating it with a pink bow.
Don't go eeyore, man

by a bunch of pooh March 7, 2008
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When someone is overly sad and down about themselves all the time
Damn son that girl has eeyorism, she is always such a downer
by Sarahgeeter March 8, 2017
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A person that is habitually or chronically depressed, sad, melancholy, gloomy etc., for more days than not. They are over concerned with their problems, no matter how small. They tend to have a round the clock "poor me" attitude. Being around these people has a tendency to "suck the life" out of others.
Man I can't stand to be around bill now days he is a downer! Yeah he really needs to snap out of the "eeyore syndrome" that runs his life.
by nasty neal October 24, 2009
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