The king of all pimps and hoes. He owns 3 albino tigers. If you were fricked by Ever you may be abale to compensate over 9 million dollars if you hole was ripped.
Ever is going crazy in that room with somebody.
by Ever(name) November 6, 2019
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I very sweet and zen-like girl who is full of wonder and grace. Always there to brighten your day.

Very unique and intriguing.

Wise beyond her years.
Old soul.
Person 1: I met the nicest girl today. Just talking for a few minutes and I feel amazing!
Person 2: Was that the new girl, Ever?
Person 1: Yes! You know her?
Person 2: Yes. I met her yesterday. Ever is SO nice!
by KDupont July 29, 2011
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A beautiful girl with a strong independent mind. This name is communal used in the Longworth family. Everal is a calm, and collective person, who understands people and uses empathy. She's always seems much older than she truly is because of how wise she is from past experiences. Everal is a stubborn person, who believes in her rights. She may go through a lot but she will always come out stronger than before. Everal is someone who needs someone who will always be there for them. Everal is reliable. several is herself.
by Emmatheredhead99 May 13, 2014
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As in what.. as if someone or something doesn't deserve a whole 'Whatever'
Diana: Didn't call you because I thought you were busy..
Todd: Ever.
Todd: as in What.
by H1113 October 17, 2011
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A sweet and shy girl who will always be there for a friend. An Ever is very pretty and cute, but doesn’t realize it. She is selfless and will do anything she can to help someone.
Ever is so sweet, she found out my little sister’s dog passed away, and she surprised with one of the puppies her husky had.
by Slimeowy March 28, 2018
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The lowest point you can be at
seems like nothing can get worse but does
I am having an Ever week.
That's ever status.
Dont make me go ever on you.
by coolcatturbo February 17, 2009
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A word used at the end of a really long description. It is the finishing touch of any sort of description.
1. The Green Bay Packers are the most cheesey headed fruity faggot fucks. Ever.

2. OldSpice guy is the most hilariously epicly awesome source of manly epic awesomeness ever. Ever.
by what?!yousuckMYdick November 29, 2010
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