A twatmuffin, sperry-wearing, TikTok boy who said the n-word and is a total asshat to people that call him out on the profane things he has done. He has massive white privilege and practically flaunts it on his stoned pony. He literally lacks creativity and talent on the platform and got his fame from directly copying somebody’s TikTok idea. He also doxed a girl‘s phone number and for what lol
On Max Dressler’s private story he threatened to put TikToker @collinb963 “in his place” if nobody controlled him. All bc Collin called Max out for doxing TikToker @42069hotdog bc she called him a rich spoiled white boy in a storytime.
by shayassidacy May 7, 2020
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unfunny guy, doxed someone, cant dance, annoying
😂✨🙈 dont stan him
lmao you are so not funny
lmao you are so max dressler
by ratluver May 5, 2020
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