Slang for saying Taking A Pee.

Origin: Riley on a live stream(Youtube) took a pee and it echoed thru the Youtube Channels and Discord Servers.
"BRB, i gotta go take a Riley" - Bob
Bob is Doing A Riley
( To urinate)

"Dont worry...(insert liquid pouring sounds) Im just pouring an other glass of wine...Its not a Riley."

"I gotta Riley so bad"

Riley is Defined to any relativity to urine.

Aka Doing A Riley
by Mallory Bowser September 7, 2022
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Doing a Riley is when you have messaged someone on Facebook and it says they have seen it, but they haven't replied
Boy 1: Has she replied yet
Boy 2: Nahh She's Doing a Riley
by steveopizzapie March 28, 2013
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