pe·nile dis·charge

n. pl. pe·nile· dis·charges

That gross looking secretion that emits from your peice. Usually happens if (A) You have an infection, (B) Your shit's broke, (C) You have some incurable std from the chick you were sleeping with last night.

see Diseased.
Damn dog, My penile discharge is a stange color, I think Imma die.
by Yono July 22, 2004
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Holding down your girlfriend's head when you come during a blowjob, then farting in her face and breaking up with her. She will be disgusted, that's the best part.
My girl ruined Super Bowl Sunday, so I had no choice but to give her a dishonorable discharge.
by brownbagspecial January 28, 2009
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a cum-like fluid that always comes out of the vagina after a girl's first period.
i hate discharge. it ruins my panties & it sucks!
by asian nympho December 5, 2004
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someone who is being disagreeable or unlike their usual fun self

someone who elicits a disgusting reaction similar to the way one would react to this bodily secretion.
You are being vaginal discharge right now.

Senario: AT THE CLUB

Friend 1: "I don't want to take that shot. I wanna go home."

Friend 2: "You know what? You are you being a vaginal discharge."

Friend 1: (now vaginal discharge) exits the club.

Friend 2: continues to have a ball a fun at the club without vaginal discharge.
by raelou May 16, 2011
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Check out the side effects for a medication. If it states "Oily Discharge" as a high possibility then put it down. Walking around Wal*mart all day with mud butt is not worth getting rid of whatever the hell is wrong with you.
::drip:: what the hell was that?, Ah crap! mud butt!
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 26, 2005
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Vaginal Discharge, The act of when a woman discharges fluid from he vagina, be it vaginal fluid, blood, sperm(only after she has just has sex with a man, it can come back out)This occurence of discharge can happen for many reason orgasm being to opened from many instances of sex. In short you want to keep away from the vaginal discharge it's not a pleasent thing.
Marry just vaginally discharged all over franks face, he was so angry he shot is wad in her eye and she went blind.
by masta stokes March 25, 2003
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