Dirac mathematics is the discrete foundation of computer science.

It argues that if you lop off a portion of a circle with the line from one point of the cut to the other side of the cut in the circle being a-straight-line basically an arc-tangent-length the number points in the "lop" can be, qualitatively, discrete, infinite, or irrational.

If the circle is cut above-but-parallel-to the diameter the draw-distance of the points extracted from the cut portion will be discrete. If the circle is cut BELOW the diameter-halfway point--the line created from the number of points will have an IRRATIONAL draw-distance.
Dirac mathematics demarcates a corresponding draw-distance based on whether a circle is cut above or below the line of diameter. A cut at the diameter corresponds to an infinite draw-distance using the number of points (infinite) in the cut.

A cut above the diameter corresponds to a statistical inference; a cut AT the diameter (1/2 point) corresponds to CAUSATION.

A cut below the diameter-line corresponds to a regression--scientifically meaningless.
by flightfacilities May 17, 2022
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