The most funniest, fun to hang out with, easy to fall in love with also strong and smart.
girl 1: damnnn Denison hot af
girl 2: IKR!!!
girl 3: HE IS AMAZING!!!!!
by DennyHumor October 20, 2021
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adj. Known to speak at random occasions, often unnecessarily.
The boy was denison, and frequently interrupted class, saying things like:
"I'm comfortable."
"I wish I could draw the food, so then I could eat the chex-mix."
"Are those supposed to be haunted cans?"
by MorgothsRing January 19, 2004
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A mediocre liberal arts college located in East Bum, Ohio.
Guy 1: Dude, I drove past like 200 miles of pastures, cows and Ohio hicks to get here.

Guy 2: Welcome to Denison.

by Jesus^3 December 7, 2007
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One of the most prestigious liberal arts colleges in the midwest.
Every parent assumed that whatever alchemy of good genes and good credit had gotten his child a spot at the prep school was the same one that would land him a spot at a hyper-selective college. It was true that a quarter of the class went to the Ivy League, and another quarter to places such as Stanford, MIT, and Amherst. But that still left half the class, and I was the one who had to tell their parents that they were going to have to be flexible. Before each meeting, I prepared a list of good colleges that the kid had a strong chance of getting into, but these parents didn’t want colleges their kids had a strong chance of getting into; they wanted colleges their kids didn’t have a chance in hell of getting into. A successful first meeting often consisted of walking them back from the crack pipe of Harvard to the Adderall crash of Middlebury and then scheduling a follow-up meeting to douse them with the bong water of Denison.

Denison University
by diarrhea-asmr August 4, 2021
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A ridiculous oasis in central Ohio where the former prep school kids from the east coast go to spend their trust funds on sleeping with girls and cocaine. This little school on the hill is the envy of every other school in Ohio. While we can all agree that Ohio is a dismal place, Denison provides an experience second to none as far as absurd college memories and possibly a mild to moderate drug addiction. Even though the Fraternity/Sorority system is not what it used to be you can be sure that anyone will have a great time while on the Dunes.
Dude 1: Hey man where did you go to school?
Dude 2: Oh I went to Denison University.
Dude 1: I once went there and had the time of my life.
Dude 2: Standard

Dude 1: Hey where did you go to school?
Dude 2: I went to Denison University.
Dude 1: Oh...I went to OWU.
Dude 2: I'm sorry to hear that.
Dude 1: Me too.
by Denidude April 24, 2009
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the idea that as soon as you disclose the aspects of a relationship, of any sort, to one or more persons where envy may lie, the relationship experiences a downfall or dissipates.

More aggressive in new relationships, where vulnerability is high.
"How's the relationship going?"
"Not so well. Denison law just came in full force."
by Jack and Diamond July 31, 2017
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hey--you goin to denison university?
and the truck driver said, denison university?
why yes i am.
so i got in the truck.
and here i am.
by beaner greener September 10, 2006
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