A person of cave man like stature, known to beat women.
Person 1: "See that Darby over there?"
Person 2: "What?"
Person 1: "I bet he will punch your sister in the mouth."
Person 2: "Oh, that Darby."
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one that cant be stopped
lan masta
Darby is so l33t.
by Griff March 24, 2003
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A slag term meaning to hold almost un ungodly amount of power. To be a darby is to be someone who hold and uses a lot of power. Slang term originated in Northern California in the early 2000's.
You boss is suck a darby, he can tell anyone what he wants, and it will be done.
by Zac Cirivello January 8, 2003
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The best pal. What a pal. Literally the definition of the pal you need in your life.
Omg it's Darby, what a pal
by DelphicDrifter October 21, 2017
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An extremely cool concept (taken from the creator of Get Fuzzy)
I loved the nine inch nails concert it was completely darby!
by kaypuis October 20, 2003
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A girl who is inclined to be interested in participating in the act of dropping a Cleveland steamer
“Did you hear that last week Darby dropped a Cleveland Steamer on my chest
by ClevelandSteamerer December 20, 2019
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obligatory friend; a person who is a lifelong friend that you keep around to try to socialize to standard but never quite fits in
Cool Guy 1: This party is really cool.... except for the guy in the corner, who is that?
Cool Guy 2: Oh, it's cool... that's my Darby
Cool Guy 1: Oh, OK
by S.K.A.M.M. September 19, 2010
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