Curilla (noun)is the insignifigant amount of marijuana remaining after someone rolls a joint or pack a bowl. It is usually just powder and very small particles of the substance that could not be scooped into the rolling paper or bowl.

Curilla is also used as a verb for the act of stealing a small amount of something from someone, particularly in the act of a marijuana transaction.

Curilla is also used as an adjective in regards to less-than-fair amount of marijuana a person might obtain in a marijuana transaction.
Noun: "Hey Mike, when you're done rolling that joint, can i have the -Curilla-"

Verb: "I'm going to -Currila- some of his bag so we have something to smoke when we get back."

Adjective: "Dude, I can;t believe you payed 30 bucks for that chinsy -Curilla- sack!"
by Michael Fairlamb November 23, 2005
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