<g is silent>

1. A hot and psychotic sauce of pretty tiedup chillies, guitar licks and JD whiskey, often served as a chaser to Nightrain wine.
2. A popular hangout for double-talking jive dancers/speakers.

1. A feeling of euphoric nostalgia, best expressed by shouting at the opening night of a tour for the band you have not seen together since your youth...
2. A popular description of double talking jive dancers/movers when they are travelling too, actually within or retiring from their venue of the same name
"Hey JuJuHibe, I was just sniffing your rank subjugation and it was Cool and Stressing (pronounced coolranchdressin), so smoke 'em if you got 'em, alright, that sucked."

".....I'm Serious...... But Check It Out..... Cool and Stressing (pronounced coolranchdressin..."

User warning
Overuse can lead to the perils...(sic) of spaghetti incident.

***** very famously used as the opening chant to bring the famous band GnFnRs on stage at Melbourne Cricket Ground 14/02/2017 in the following format:

Call: CoolRanchDressin!
Resp: Let me Hear it now
Call: CoolRanchDressin!
Resp: Oh Yeah!
Call: CoolRanchDressin!
...... Ad Lib Till Fade........
by EmonkEmonkE December 30, 2016
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