A term used to describe a person who believes in and advocates for an egalitarian approach to language use. They view language primarily as a means of expressing meaning and facilitating communication, rather than as a status symbol or a tool for exclusion. A Grammar Commie stresses the importance of comprehensibility over stringent adherence to traditional grammar rules, and supports the validity of diverse linguistic styles and dialects, thus breaking the barriers of linguistic elitism and fostering inclusivity.
"Even though Jenny could correct every misplaced comma or misspelled word, as a Grammar Commie, she chose instead to focus on understanding the message the writer intended to convey, promoting a more inclusive and egalitarian approach to communication."
by SalvyZ July 25, 2023
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An American of non-costal origin who is more left leaning, maybe even socialist, but still loosely grounded in what are considered to be “Midwestern values”.
Person 1: “You see Tom the other day? Dude was driving his pickup around Main Street with a Bernie Sanders sticker on his bumper and an AR-15 mounted on his rear view ! I’m so confused”

P2: “Yeah, ever since he got back from college he’s been a bit of a Corn Commie”
by J.ALLLEN96 April 13, 2021
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Used to describe Somebody as being a fascist from Argentina and is also considered to be the cause of the hippopotamus war in 1866 over disputed land in Norway between the hippos and Japanese people who fought heoricly against the hippos but alas the hippos won.
You are a Scottish Commie
by Reginald Glocksonion May 2, 2022
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