Subtly racist and misogynistic, a "Colm Nolan" is a sigma male unconcerned with opinions of "women" or his own consciousness. Colm Nolans often spend their time trying to achieve their life goals, almost always dominating other beta males, often into sexual submission. Colm Nolans often engage in intercourse with other males to demonstrate superiority (not in a gay way tho). A rare breed of alpha not to be crossed
"Man did you hear that guy was charged with domestic abuse"

"What could you expect he's a real Colm Nolan"
by Peep00 November 22, 2021
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A composition guideline in photography characterized by the inclusion of:
1. an envy-inducing background;
2. an alcohol-tinged foreground; and
3. a middleground featuring portions of the lower leg (always a foot but occasionally even a knee).
Finally, the photograph must be instantaneously posted to social media, prompting the viewer to wonder how the artist is on vacation again.
Dang, nice application there of the Rule of Colm!
by FortSelt2022 June 4, 2022
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