To be aghast; stunned.
When Mrs. Barron heard the death toll...she put her hand to her throat to clutch the pearls around her neck.
by talk2me-JCH2 June 21, 2023
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To place your hand on your collar or around your neck in a prudish way as to display shock or disgust towards someone or something.

The imagery is that of a rich woman clutching her peal necklace in fear/shock.
That comedian was so vulgar that I clutched my pearls during the entire show.

Did you see that ugly baby!?!? ::say this as you clutch your pearls::

by VickyJames May 19, 2008
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a moment in time that forces one to clasp their hand to their chest, out of fear or shock, as if trying to protect an imaginary pearl necklace. A new phrase among the gay Maryland circle
When I saw Taylor at the park with Noah, I was totally clutching pearls!

Man, when I heard that John was in that car accident I was totally Clutching My Pearls

Girl, when that truck full of skinheads pulled up next to the car I had to clutch my pearls!
by Perryn Morris December 29, 2007
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To display over-the-top dismay or outrage. This phrase is a mid-20th Century phrase that was then used in the Gay Community.
"Don't clutch your pearls, Mary." Face it, Donald Trump is our President.
by cmoogriff December 1, 2017
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when a flamboyant male homosexual (Queen) animatedly grabs at their neck to express disbelief or bewilderment.
after it was announced that he was runner up in the talent contest, Sabation screamed out "well i never" and was seen clutching the pearls as he stormed off the stage.
by eazyp357 December 14, 2014
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