A derogatory term used by organics to describe droids, most commonly used on droids of the B1 type. Sometimes referred to as the C-word.
Look out it's a Clanka - A clone moments before death
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Clanka or Clanker commonly referred to as the C-Word is a racial term commonly associated with Droids such as B1 Battle Droids and other robots and machines.
"Sup my Clanka!" - B1 Battle Droid
"Stupid Clanker!" - Random Clone Trooper
by KFWhisper June 19, 2023
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A Battle Droid of the Separatist during the Clone Wars in the Star Wars Prequels. usually a B-1 Battle droid but also refers to other droids.
"Those Clankas have wrist rockets"
by AidanLBeLike May 21, 2023
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A droidsexual from the popular game ROBLOX, predominantly occupied with shouting at others.
What the fuck is Clanka doing? How many god damn hot dogs can one man eat?
by the real gbp December 31, 2022
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Wanking with a very tight Clenched fist.
For those that like pulling faces at themselves in the mirror whilst whacking the shlongdonkey this is a clanka
by MartyFX December 30, 2011
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