The most hypocritical of the bunch. One who goes to church on a scheduled if not daily basis, but once church is over, its back to the random voice mails and text messages, mostly booty call requests.
Its very devastating to one of religion, but it is only if the other discovers that person's promiscuous behavior.

They go to church claiming forgiveness, only to get right back in the sheets with another person different from the previous.

This applies to the clubbing type as well in some cases. they get wild thus bring home a lucky person on a Saturday night, then its several hours in church listening to the preacher Sunday morning, claiming the words of truth for themselves.

The Preacher's Daughter or the common Daughter of a church goer are one of the many examples of a Church Hoe.

"You go to church like its second nature and you laying in bed with different men. Shame on you!"
by Black Riz August 1, 2008
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Loyal hoes that come from church
They’re not a church hoe, they’re just a hoe from church
by Mickelyawner September 1, 2022
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Men who claim to be Christian but use women for sex while enroute to marriage to another woman. A preacher who cheats on his wife. A man who fornicates while claiming to be saved. Wolves in shephard's clothes. A saved man with children with numerous women. Christian men who rape.
Most Preachers are church hoes.
by GiftofGodsFavor December 12, 2013
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Prostitutes who frequent Church Street, many were transvestites
Went down to Church Street to joke the hoes, who were undercover dudes albeit "Church Street hoes"
by Anonomous99 October 14, 2012
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