A sexual act where a man places his testicles on a woman's chin and his penis on her neck so that the testicles form around the shaft and the tip of the penis lays at the throat, all while impersonating Andrew Jackson.
"Dude, the bitch wouldn't suck me off, so I gave her a Cherokee Chinstrap."
by Ellis Wyatt April 14, 2008
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The act of removing a person's chinstrap, you then singe the skin where the chinstrap was with a blowtorch. This creates an anti-chinstrap as the hair you burned will not grow back, however the other hair will
Guy 1: I heard the took Matt and gave him an anti-chinstrap.
Guy 2: Yea, now his face looks real weird.
by Burrito6 November 18, 2010
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A mudflap chinstrap is armor worn by whores when they give you a blumpkin.
That bitch was freaky. She offered to give me a blumpkin, but since I kinda cared about her I let her put on her mudflap chinstrap just in case there was any splash back.
by meestamo December 23, 2008
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Where the woman is on all fours nude and a pork tenderloin is placed within her anal cavity (plunger optional). After 45 minutes, the woman releases the pork tenderloin, like an easy-bake oven, which a male then places around his neck like a scarf. Then the male proceeds to eat the tenderloin, like a candy necklace.
Dude 1: Hey Dude, how was your weekend?

Dude 2: Dude! I got my wife a nice pork tenderloin and she gave me a Salmonella Chinstrap.
by J-hem May 25, 2019
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The cheesy, minimalist Amish beard favored by many current Major League Baseball players. David Ortiz has a chinstrap beard. Can be augmented by a tuft at the chin, giving the appearance that one is wearing a helmet with a chin cup.
Jimmy was so proud because after months of practice, he was finally able to grow and perfect his chinstrap beard.
by Dwayne Hosey July 3, 2008
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Noun - 1 - Beard that goes down your sideburns, across your face, and back to your other sideburn. Usually long and worn by the amish.
2 - When you rest your balls across the chin of your "enemy" so they spread over the lower chin part of the person.
by Vaskinator June 12, 2006
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The act of dipping your chin in a bloody vagina during cunnilingus. The result is a blood chin strap
Paul gets a ruby red chinstrap monthly from his wife Merideth, they kink like that.
by cmav August 17, 2008
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