Chilling all day everyday 24/7

Invented by the only B Nappy Dreads
Hey slick...what did you do all summer?

Pshh, (dome slap) I must have been chillin'

Wow, you are one bad ass mofo serial chiller.

by jbn Gstache April 25, 2007
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When you do something and you don’t care what’s going on around you
Parker and paige were playing basketball in the rain because they’re straight chillers
by Plw9696 January 30, 2021
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Chiller Baby Cakes are the virtual cakes of chilling. They are used to express a chill situation, or acceptance and acknowledgement of something as chill.
Person 1: I'm going to study, what about you?
Person 2: I'm going to go bake some Chiller Baby Cakes.

Person 1: I'm going to go order pizza and have a 24 marathon.
Person 2: Chiller Baby Cakes!
by Daniel'sBabyCakes January 18, 2011
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<n> term given to a chav who has "baggsed" the back seat of a bus to "chill"
Lloyd: "Oi mate lets bags the back seat and be Back-seat Chillers"
by nomis1984 May 29, 2009
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The San Francisco Chiller is when you freeze your own feces then use the frozen feces popsicle as a faux-penis on a man or a woman.
"Ian gave his woman the ol' San Francisco Chiller"
by Baron Von Smihoff March 3, 2005
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A more calm environment to travel to.

Relaxed state

I feel the place will be chiller for the kids.

My house would be chiller than your house for the kids.
This place would be chiller for a girls night.
by Omshanti2138 July 5, 2021
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