When a person gets a huge lovebite from a person with braces, looks like they got bit by a chain chomp of off Mario Kart.
Josh: Milkyface got chain chomped!
by dingleberrywell March 17, 2010
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When Someone Is So Pissed Off, Or Angry, That They Draw A Picture Of The Person They're Angry At, With A Giant Chain Chomp Eating Them
She Was Angry At Her Boyfriend, So She Drew Him Being Stabbed And Eaten By A Chain Chomp

And Then She Proceeded To Shout At Him, "You've Been Chain Chomped Bitch!"
by MEH and cloFEARX October 15, 2009
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A nickname for using chewing tobacco multiple times in a short perioid of time. It is the same as when people chain smoke multiple cigarettes likewise using chewing tobacco multiple times in one sitting. Chain Chomp is also a creature from various mario games.
Hey blake, lets go throw in a fat chain chomp
by cryingbasher July 6, 2011
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oh yeah, he's cool.
ME: do you remember chain chomped , THE OTHER GUY: oh yes I remember him he's a cool dude. CHAD: that's cool...
by marygold skin from fortnite April 14, 2021
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ME: remember chain chomp? THE OTHRER GUY IN THE ROOM: oh yeah I remember him he is the coolest guy ever, on discord, how about you ? CHAD: oh that's cool... (while slowly slides away)
by marygold skin from fortnite April 14, 2021
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