John: Hey drake do you like cp
Drake: yeah why?
John: You wanna play I got a new hat for my penguin
Drake: oh, club penguin, no i dont play it.
by LVtheFirst March 14, 2022
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A: Dude don't tell anyone, i bought cp today.
B: Dude sick! I love cheese pizza!
by ayza123 January 1, 2021
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Competitive programming (solving algorithmic problems using code in a timed competition)
- A: Hey. Do you love cp?
= B: By cp you mean child porn or competitive programming.
FBI Agent: Dafuq.
- A: Jesus. Competitive programming.
= B: Yeah I do love cp.
by kroopy September 12, 2020
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Martha: Hi, wanna play watch some cp?
Matt: Hell yea i do! What about we're gonna hop into a private cp server instead?
by hotlineog August 17, 2020
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I wish CP was still here. I miss it.
by ImKedgy January 18, 2019
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Guy: Hey, want some CP?
Me: Cheese Pizza! Well why the fuck not
by closingcube April 19, 2011
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