The crappiest school in Scunthorpe full of fake ass bitches and people that belong in reception.
Want to hang around with people that smoke,take drugs and get pregnant look no further this is the school for u/ child.
Outwood academy brumby ruined my life
by Outwood academy bitch March 20, 2018
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A softer form of Stallion butt toning of the buttocks. Not to be confused with monkey butt, a deformation caused by too much yoga butt exercise.
by MRiT November 12, 2014
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A brumby (also known as brumbyoz) is a new species of an Australian Dung Beetle that lives on the internet. It spreads filth on social media sites like Twitter and, unlike a real dung beetle, serves no useful purpose. It is also known to harass people (especially women) and exhibit an unwarranted savior complex but also shows cowardly behavior and runs away when confronted.
Look at that guy who is harassing women but doesn't have the guts to face up to them. He’s exhibiting pure brumby behavior.

A brumby has small balls but a big savior complex.
by Vir7us December 31, 2022
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