A horrible man who loves to have sex with numerous prostitutes of all ages and sizes.
Frank went to hundreds of brothels and had sex with thousands of prostitutes, he is a real Brothel guts.
by Cobber1 October 21, 2013
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A type of Brothel worked by only the oldest, ugliest and most disease-riddled prostitutes. These women can't do business with regular clients as they are so repulsive no one would pay for them. Instead they are condemned to a Briggsy Brothel where only the oldest, ugliest and most disease-riddled clients go. Regular prostitutes won't do business with these clients as they are so repellant. Thus the Briggsy Brothel matches up hideous hookers with repulsive johns. The BB is such a niche profession that the hookers are frequently idle. These disused prostitutional wastes pass the time by exchanging treasured possessions such as genital warts and fanny slugs.
What's that building the Dwarf's entering?

Aah that'll be a Briggsy Brothel.
by Colin Cummerbund September 8, 2006
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For when you don't want to call someone a prostitute or a whore, etc... but you want to get your point across.
Maddie is a classy broad, but she's still a party animal at heart. She's such a brothel artist.
by LargeBlackenedGollum January 24, 2017
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Noun: Children that are born in whore houses.
Ryan went out of town on a "business trip" for the weekend, 9 months later he came back with a Brothel Sprout.
by phrezur_burn December 8, 2011
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A person who regularly frequents brothels and is well known by the people who work there, so much so he/she has a "usual".
Whore 1: You see that guy, he's such a brothel monkey
Whore 2: I know! But he's pays well, he's single-handledy putting my kids through college
by Mashypoo August 28, 2009
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A type of shoe most commonly worn by punks, ska punks, goths, rockabillies, and pyschobillies. Brothel Creepers can often be seen on the feet of psychobilly bands. Brothel Creepers have a distinct crepe sole which can either be short and discreet or a platform-style.

Traditional Brothel Creepers are usually suede although they are now made of leather, fur, and other materials. Creepers can be styled to look like different types of shoes but maintain the distinct sole.
Stu Arkoff's Brothel Creepers are tough as hell.
by Hey There Guy June 8, 2011
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