Shes kinda weird. In love with pigs for who knows why. Uhgg she is such an ogbuddie.
by Bridgetisheretoo September 11, 2020
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she is a pigeon
Hannah: Bridget
by Bridgetisheretoo September 11, 2020
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Every Bridget always has Irish blood in her. Shes usually a redhead or somewhat close.

Bridget is very confident. She pulls no bs and will always cut to the chase. If you know a Bridget, you know she swears like a sailor no matter who she's talking to or talking about. She's always very honest about what she thinks. Bridget hates teacher's pets with a passion. In fact, she doesn't like school. She's not bad at it though, it's just the kids and cliques that bother her.
Person1: Is that Bridget???
Person2: Idk but she's cute
by welpimstillhere July 13, 2023
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Goddaim sexy
Bridget is goddaim sexy
by BRITGET March 7, 2023
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Bridget is a beautiful, funny, smiley girl always looking to make new friends. She never leaves anyone out and would do anything for her best friends. She enjoys traveling but would normally like to stay at home with family and friends. She usually has brown hair hazel eyes and freckles, but she can rock any look she goes for. If you meet a bridget you are lucky and don’t ever let her go!
Kid 1: Woah, is bridget your friend??
Kid 2: Yeah, I will never let her go she’s a great friend!

Kid 1: I wish I had her as a friend
Kid 2: Come hangout, she accepts everyone!
by bridget_noelle_rocks December 23, 2021
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A girl, shes ight I gues

Kind of cute but weird cute but good weird cute

The girl who orders a salad over a Big Mac

Loves hbo and coloring books
“Better stay away from Bridget becuase she will fill in your coloring pages”

“Not only will she brake your heart but she’ll brake your crayons
by Blah blah blah for February 20, 2019
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