The person in charge of making everyone go insane due to the loud screaming noises he makes on the bus
My god, stop being such a branin
by Pineapple2.000 November 19, 2017
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A peice of crap wrapped in a blanket a lard, with raspberry sause that went bad before you were a disgrace to society.
by Meman12 October 21, 2017
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This is a name that you call a person when they have said/done something really stupid. You call them this when they have royally fucked up.
Dumb Person: "I hate black people."
You: "Randalawn Branin, what the devil did you just say? That was extremely racist and stupid, never say that again!"

Dumb Person: "I guess your right, that was a real Randalawn Branin thing to say."
by Korean Jesus September 4, 2016
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