the Bro Ambulance, the "Brambalance" in street vernacular
the Bro Ambulance, the "Brambalance" in street vernacular, was frequently the ONLY option. You get shot in a turf battle. Your Bro's load you in da back da cah, drive up to the ER, and push you out on the curb, driving off so as not to be implicated.

Why ?

The EMT's and Ambulances were unfortunately tied up someplace else by some Welfare Queen who couldn't be bothered all week to take her kid into clinic to see the Dr. until her kid has a fever of 103 or 104, then she calls the Am-Ba-Lance because she doesn't want to spend money on Cab fare.

And of course the Ambulance is paid for by MedicAid no penalty to her so she doesn't give a flip. Meanwhile some bro bleeds out on the curb waiting for the EMT's, unless his own bro's load him in da back da cah, drives to the Emergency Room and dumps him on the curb.

Happened every day there. No matter how much the Nurses and EMT's yelled at these women tying up ambulances.

As for the Bro, Maybe he bleeds out, and maybe he lives.
by Daddy-O of the ER Nurses October 12, 2013
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