A boy that usually wears classic vans has only 1 or 2 gothic rings but no more. Is lay back and has medium long hair. They also wear shirts with different colors that usually looks like pop art, but not stripes or flannel. Some times they skate board but border boy dose not come from skate if it’s a life style not a fashion trend. Also they may wear black but it’s no so common.
Girl 1: Tony is so lay back but his style is kinda weird.

Girl 2: no your so dumb he’s a border boy you tard.

Girl 1: yeah your right he is a border boy.

Girl 2: he’s kinda hot tbh.

Girl 1: yeah he is kinda cute I was wrong he’s not weird he’s just a border boy.
by Tony braveoly April 6, 2020
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A male who is hyper and a little 3-D, but smart and loyal. Usually just wants to have fun all the time.
Russ is such a border collie boy, he's so energetic.
by slashingcat July 31, 2021
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