When a girl's boobs point in different directions (more sideways than forward). Somewhat reminiscent of the googly eyes you would use for arts and crafts.
"That girl has weird googly eye boobies!"
"In a bra they looked great, but I soon found out she had the googly eye boobies."
by the googler February 8, 2014
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A stage in a young persons life (usually during study times) at which upon seeing, and (personally) acknowledging well rounded breasts, the mind tricks them into seeing them everywhere, particularly in script drawings and texts, sometimes enhanced by strange fonts. Very Distracting
His Boobie Eyes came,
after the waitress' presence had him involuntarily stealing glances of her chest. The words the young man was reading seemed to jump out as boobies, every time a double o occurred in the text, even so much as to include nipples, compounding his thoughts into erotic imaginings, and nearly forcing him to stare in search of other boobies.
by Subtle_Boomer September 26, 2023
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