A white SJW that believes in extremist groups like ACAB, KAM, and others. They will frequently talk about how all white people should die, while they are white.
Todd: Beth just said we should jail all cops, what a blue-hair girl.

Jim: what an SJW dumbass.
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A mythical goddess among students at Georgia Gwinnett College.
Someone told me they saw Blue Flannel Girl earlier at panda but i'm pretty sure that was a hoax.
by baxxflaw September 5, 2015
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She is a bitch that cries when stuff that does now go her way and stand for BLM and loves ACAB but no one likes them and wants to marry biden.
Blue hair girl are bitches
by Fuckbluehairgirls December 19, 2020
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Average species of Female (usually between 10 and 19) found on places such as Twitter (or as of today, X), Tiktok and sometimes your middle school.
They usually support stuff such as LGBTQ+, K.A.M., Joe Biden, etc.
Most Blue Haired Girls are Transgender, if not, they usually go something like "they/them" or even "they/them/xhe/xur/zhe/zem/shit/head".
Another thing about these creatures is that they get offended VERY easily, whether its major or not.
In rare cases, they sometimes act like "baddies" and say stuff such as "yass queen slay" and on the internet use emojis such as "🙄✨😩💅" and "👁️👄👁️" countless times.
Scene I:
timmy: *tells a joke that literally is not even that offensive*
lee (blue haired girl): OH MY GAWD THAT IS SO OFFENSIVE TO ME AND THE LGBTQ!!1!1!1

Scene II:
johnny: *calls lexy by the wrong pronouns*
lexy (blue haired girl2): WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU LITTLE SHIT?!1?!1?1!

Scene III:
gary: look at that chair, it looks so cool
by N3XUSisdoingyourmom August 6, 2023
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she is the girl with blue hair who sits in the middle of the class yells at everyone, thinks she is rachet, and screams at you when you look at her for a second. This is known as a Blue Cheeto girl
the blue cheeto girl thinks she is rachet
by Gunna the pimp January 21, 2022
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