A counterfeit form of Percocet. Typically pressed with fentanyl.
1: Damn you look messed up.

2: I’m off that blue demon fool.
by Jarhead Junior February 18, 2021
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1. When the mind dreams of events that did not really happen, and it affects the person, changing their behavior, making them bitter, cessation and so on.

2. When the person after consuming a hallucinogen - drug - changes his behavior to an aggressive, jealous and other posture.
Girlfriend: Hey, you are on blue demons, calm down.
Boyfriend: Shuddup, Its my fuckin life.
by bluedemonremix November 2, 2017
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Noun. The splash of the urine and feces filled blue water that makes contact with your ass when taking a dump in a portapotty.
John got hit by the BLUE DEMON when he took a dump at the constuction site!
by Da Blazin Caucasian May 28, 2010
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