Noun: To be extremely lame, also to exhibit the inability to make wise decisions.

Situation: For a situation to be considered highly tacky by the user, or for the situation to be deemed very immature or absolutely off the wall
Jeff: Dude, Ashley is such a big cut it out! I can't believe she invited us to that nasty Mongolian restaurant!

Jeff: Dude, that is a Big Cut It Out! Did you see that he spray painted his car?!

Matt: Yea that shit looks retarded!
by DutchCannon December 5, 2007
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Noun: To be extremely lame, also to exhibit the inability to make wise decisions.

Situation: For a situation to be considered highly tacky by the user, or for the situation to be deemed very immature or absolutely off the wall
Jeff: Dude, Ashley is such a big cut it out! I can't believe she invited us to that nasty Mongolian restaurant!

Jeff: Dude, that is a Big Cut It Out! Did you see that he spray painted his car?!

Matt: Yea, that shit is retarded!
by DutchCannon December 5, 2007
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