a super old book from 2000 years ago that the government edits every now and then so people turn against each other and get confused -- also what i call my butt
Come open this bible *winks*
by oovaa January 2, 2021
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A book which has survived the generations and is the most read book of all time, and has taken mike than 4000 years to write with multiple authors, which forms and essential part of Christianity and has guided billions for centuries and will forever have an impact of history.
“Did you bring your Bible to church today”?

“Open your Bibles to John 3:16.”
by citizens2502 December 25, 2020
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A book written by a bunch of hippies, about 2000 years ago, who were smoking some serious hash at the time. Never actually figured for their text to be taken seriously.
"Hey, Josh, dude, let's put some shit in their about a guy, right?"

"Yeah, rad man, and he can be like... uh, tossed overboard into the, uh, like ocean, right?"

"Cool, and then, like... a giant fish, just like, comes up and swallows him, man."

"AWWWWH, far out man!"

"And he could then, like, chill in the fish for a few days, before it like... spits him back out, you know?"

"Chilled man."

"What should we call this book, yo?"

"How about, like, something that sounds like Babel."

"Yeah, like the town."

"Only, bib... Bibe.... oh, The Bible!"

"Holy shit man!"
by Degree7 July 9, 2009
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"I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said, Let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers. That's why they came up with the Bible."
by mm March 10, 2005
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A book, containing only sheets of LSD
And the lord said let the Bible hold the answers
by Uncle Randy's Dope Stash February 28, 2018
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Hey i just got done watching hentai and some porn

(Jesus christ) Take this it's a Bible
by p0gggzzz December 29, 2021
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