A 70's style blow job, done while listening to, or thinking of popular disco group.
While watching Saturday Night Fever last week, my girlfriend gave me a BeeGee.
by the Gypsies August 22, 2010
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Used to elongate the true term BGs which stands for Bubble-Guts.
"Man all dat mexican food gave me da beegees"
by ImaSoulBrothaFoYaMotha December 3, 2006
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"bubbly guts" explosive diarrea feeling
Dang, I got the beegees yesterday at the library and I had to run to the toilet to let that stuff out.
by Sexy Mama 83 August 24, 2007
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That creaking, groaning, almost explosive movement of the stomach or bowels either due to a tense situation or pre-diarrhea stage due to something you ate or just having a shit filled situation.
Damn those White Castle sliders and prune juice for giving me the beegees!
by SEY January 25, 2008
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Beegee - a hairy cunt.

As in the pop group, since they all are. Can be used both of the female genetalia or a person.
Haha, she drinks real ale! I bet she's a beegee.

Fuck off and get a haircut, beegee.
by Stone December 8, 2004
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