A person in a position of power exhibiting basic behavior, consistent with every bad boss stereotype. This can include empty promises or offers, putting employees or applicants through hoops, refusal to listen to concerns, and other thoughtless treatment.
Lumbergh put to me work overtime this weekend but didn’t pay it out, my manager’s on his basic boss shit again.
by Toban_Frost November 26, 2021
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bā′sĭk bôs • Noun
A person in a position of power exhibiting basic behavior, consistent with every bad boss stereotype. This can include empty promises or offers, putting employees or applicants through hoops, refusal to listen to concerns, and other thoughtless treatment.
“They promised me overtime to work this weekend and then didn’t pay it out, my manager’s on his basic boss shit again.”
by Toban_Frost November 23, 2021
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