(n)Of or pertaining to the essence of "babu."

The babu is a mystic force that has embodied itself in the one known as "Ali Sana." He is its messiah. He is THE BABA.

It is a term that can be used only by him, and as such, it's definition is variable but always stays true to the aforementioned essence.

One may attempt to be deemd a babu or be allowed into the sacred circle of babu-ism by being a disciple of The Baba.
Derogatory - "don't be a fucking babu"

Ethnic - "That uncle is such a babu"

Comraderie - "Yo . . . you ma babu"

etc. etc.
by Ali Baba June 16, 2004
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A being of inconceivable amounts of sexy and attractiveness. A Babu is a person who not only is physically hunky and substantial (large bottom and breasts) but also has the face of a sexy monkey. A Babu is a person who makes everyone heavily physically attracted to him/herself.
Person 1: Hey, what do you think of Bharat. He's one hell of a guy.
Person 2: Oh, Yeah. Bharat. He is very attractive and sexy. He makes me erect.
Person 1: OMG, I agree. You know some people call him a player. I totally agree. I'd accept his sexy tongue near my privates.
Person 2: Woah, that's incredibly descriptive. I agree to some extent however I believe that a 'Player' is an understatement. I think he's more of a Babu.
by XxJakeyWakeyxX May 6, 2019
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Person1- hey are those the babus?
Person2- yea but the stupid babus
by Yourmomiswaytogay May 28, 2019
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A really cool badass dog that specializes in chilling. Known for his outstanding skills in eating, pooing, and sleeping.
That Babu is something else, a real original gangster from New Orleans, if you know what I'm saying.
by Patalicious December 18, 2017
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