1. A discontinued sub-brand bread product by Sari Roti
2. In LGBT Culture, Boti means Bottom (your genitals and your anus)
3. Bonceng Tiga (Triple Riding)
4. Street name for benzo/benzodiazepine
1. Due to marketing flop, Sari Roti discontinues Boti
2. Lemme see your boti
3. Anyone who do boti are completely ignorant how motorbike is designed. Motorbikes are designed for up to two people (one passenger and one biker), not more
4. Boti is the most dangerous medicine after opioids and barbiturates, once you take it, your life will fucked forever. Marijuana 4TW
by Sir. B January 12, 2021
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A botis is you.
“Your a botis”.
by Botis July 15, 2019
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Botie is slang for the people in your closest friend circle. It is used lovingly and jokingly.
"Okay botie!"
"Yeah, Livi is my closest botie."

"These are my boties."
by Noeyman October 29, 2021
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Botie is slang used when referring to a friend. Similar to: bro, buddy, bitch.
This girl is my number one botie.

These boties don’t know what they’re missing.
by realbotiehottie September 15, 2021
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a word to describe someone or something that is so stupid it is actually funny.
that frog is so boty
by tescotaye May 8, 2023
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