
man/woman; a person who makes you smile/laugh/happy; a person you have feelings of warm personal attachment or deep affection. Beloved person; sweetheart. Strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for him/her. YOUR BOO! Etc.
Hey chilling with my BOOTHANG, talk later.
by AlecPie33 January 17, 2011
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Someone that is more then your booty call that you spend time with but not 💯% committed. They know they're not your bf/gf.
Is that your boyfriend/girlfriend.. Na, that's just my boo thang.
by NoTown August 4, 2017
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A relationship with someone special who you do your thang with; You respect & got love for em.
“You in a new relationship now? Na, that’s just my boo-thang!”
by rainmakersCHI August 24, 2011
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is a female that is not your girlfriend, but you share some type of relationship with her; you repect her and got luv for her.
"you talked to kyniska lately." "yea I talked to ma boo thang last night."
by KYLETTE October 10, 2007
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Someone you have an unofficial relationship with. You could be "talking" to them, you don't call them your friend, and you don't call them your boyfriend/girlfriend, you call them your "boo thang". Pretty much someone you care about/love/have feelings for.
Friend: What's the relationship status between you and him? I heard you guys were dating.
You: No, not yet. He's still my boo thang.
by ihateblake January 11, 2012
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1:a boy or girl you like spending time wit an he or she always go yo back an you always got his or her back.

2:a person who makes you smile; a person you have feelings of warm personal attachment or deep affection for.

ay im wit my boo thang i`ll call u later
ay im wit my boo thang i`ll call u later
by the 1 you`ll never forget October 11, 2012
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Someone you care for, crush on, talking to, but have not made it Facebook official.
Jonathan: Hey girl! Is that your new boyfriend?
Hannah: No, that's just my boo thang!
by jRush February 8, 2012
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