A God best person in the world if you meet an Artin you are the luckiest person in the world don't disrespect an Artin you regret it someday
by Artin September 29, 2020
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A creature or a mythical being, usually found in forests and dark oak woods. Commonly seen in it’s half-human form, but with sharp front fangs and curvy horns (almost like a deer’s).

They hide from humans and new creatures they’ve never met before, but they do often become friends with them.

Dark Artin: Brings bad luck to whoever comes across it and angers it, is very smart and has a darker aura compared to it’s counterpart.
Light Artin: Symbolizes a white/snow deer, with lightly-coloured horns and more blunt fangs. Brings good luck to whoever comes across it.
Person A: Woah, is that an Artin?
Person B: It’s a Light Artin, specifically.
by a whiffle September 1, 2021
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The art of being so incredibly fucking bad that u get downed over a 100 times in cod bocw zombies. You are a Artin H if you say the n-word and homophobic shit while playing
"Bro i got downed a 100 times in cod zombies"

"Ur such a fucking Artin "
by Artinhater69 January 23, 2021
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Is it a rock? Is it an egg? No it's Artin
by shuushhhhhhh November 7, 2021
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Artin is one of the biggest simps out there, If you ever meet an Artin he will treat you with the most respect, but will talk bad about you behind your back.
Did you hear about the new kid Artin, I heard he goes for any girl he can get.
by Jesus89898 October 20, 2020
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