Apathy is the soul-rotting, civilization-ending, rationalization that, since it is difficult to change entrenched institutions, it is better to passively allow them to segregate, vitiate, or annihilate whilst we contemplate, procrastinate, and exculpate in the ennui that is the luxury of those just beyond the earshot of oppression.
I suppose I should vote for someone in the next election, but, because I feel only apathy, I'll just let rich people decide who should run the country.
by Ray Neal September 8, 2007
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A disease that occurs when after ap testing, due to brain overload, a student becomes apathetic towards all other final exams.
"I had such a bad case of APathy that I didn't study at all for my physics final!"
by APathysufferer May 17, 2009
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"I'm watching an apathy of hipsters try to reinvent music."
by terrahdez January 16, 2014
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1. Not caring about what is happening in your surroundings.

2. The word every fuckball goth uses in every other sentance without knowing what it means.
I am now a goth, and therefore I will use the word "Apathy" A whole lot. Apathy.
by E-Van August 25, 2004
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