A person who expresses opposition to an act of war.
The antiwar protester stood outside the building, sign in hand, ready to convey opposition to the impending war.
by Albert February 15, 2004
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Someone who needs to learn to spell.

Anti-war ProtestEr.
The Anti-war protester cannot spell protester.
by Jbooze October 13, 2003
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a war protester is simply someone that protests war. it doesn't necessarily entail being an atheist, anarchy, a stoner, or a hippie as many of the other people have implied.
by Anonymous May 18, 2003
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EITHER- A person who believes that all of the world's problems cannot be solved by bombing
OR - A lazy middle class rich kid with nothing better to do, or a hippie.
Dude- Are you standing outside your school in the buff because you think it is wrong to bomb the shit out of a country that has violated no treaties and has committed no acts of aggression, on falsified evidence, killing 50,000 men women and children?
RICH KID- Nah, because all my friends are, and otherwise i'd have math.
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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1) someone who expresses dissent about a war, or the way the war is being fought, or the false pretenses used to justify the war, or anything about that war they dont like or are against.
in the case of Iraq, this would include people all over the world who did not like Saddam Hussein, but disagree with the principle of preemptive war. establishing the principle of preemptive war abandons international law- meaning any country can invade and attack any other country they claim is a 'gathering threat' -not even an 'imminent threat' according to their intelligence agencies.
preemptive war is the same logic that terrorists the world over use to justify their actions.
Damn, that antiwar protester has some cajones to be out there in the street demonstrating when theres all those cops in riot gear with tear gas grenades, guns and batons.
by Rockabilly Hustler March 30, 2004
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a. A peaceful, well-meaning, usually liberal protestor who does not like the idea of war and fears for the lives of children and the lives of our soldiers


b. An ultra-liberal, ultra-asshole who goes out and yells "Fuck Bush" or some other brain-surgery terms at the top of their lungs, before trying to beat up a police officer.

I've seen more of the b-types but i'm holding out hope that the a-types exist... somewhere...
a- "We're holding this demonstration to protest the iraq war. Kum ba Yah, my lord...."

by Demon Phoenix 1337 December 14, 2004
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someone using their freedom of speech and freedom of assembaly to protest war, most recently the war on iraq
by Tyler Durden May 19, 2003
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