A song co-written and performed by Stevie Wonder. It was originally titled "Oh my Marcia" (Marcia being Stevie Wonders girlfriend at the time) but altered to "My Cherie Amour" since the two broke up. My Cherie Amour is roughly translated from French as "My Dear Love"
"...My Cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore, You're the only girl my heart beats for. How wish that you were mine"

-Stevie Wonder

Boy: I need to ask you something
Girl: What is it?
Boy: Will you be My Cherie Amour?
Girl: awwwww yes <3
by Egypt1337 January 28, 2012
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A movie about a guy getting cucked by a monkey.
Have you seen "Max, Mon Amour"? The dude's wife cheats on him with a monkey and it's played completely seriously.
by Tree autist January 8, 2019
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You lied on my name as I did you. I'm in love with the man that you repesented, not who you acted like!
Je voulais goûter vos larmes, se sentent, vos bras, et d'entendre votre journée evey voix de ma vie. Seulement pour découvrir que vous étiez un pur produit d'une entreprise fictive de votre propre âne.

To John doe: Vous avez menti ans sur mon nom, je vous fait. Je suis en amour avec l'homme que vous repesented pas qui vous a agi comme
by passiond'uneâmedemonamant November 15, 2009
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1. French for Peace Love
2. A euphemism for gay sex (i.e. Love between two men that don't fight)
Look at how well that gay couple get along... I bet they make beautiful paix amour.
by BPP_Fan1994 January 25, 2014
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primarily a rap artist, but also model, engineer, turkish by heart, Gordon’s N°1 in the cuisine, high up in the streets, passionate in the sheets, professional advice-giver and always distracted or looking for new info on tech products, overall a mess with good music & fashion taste
Ex. 1: „he went full on FL amoure on me in bed last night“, Ex.2 „he made a real FL amoure for dinner yesterday“, Ex.3 „have you heard FL amoure‘s new album?“
by FL amoure Fan June 8, 2020
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