Green Day rock opera about a teen named Jimmy (who has multiple personalities), who becomes Saint Jimmy, then becomes his alter ego the Jesus of Suburbia. He loses contact with his girlfriend, Whatsername, who was once cheating on him, at the end of the opera.
This is a great rock opera, but it can be compared to the Who's rock opera Quadrophenia, about a teen mod named Jimmy who has four personalities (each based off a member of the original Who).
American Idiot is a great Green Day album.
by St. Hero July 23, 2009
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a kick ass cd by Green Day...
people keep saying that it sucks..i think u only believe that it sucks because you dont agree with it. And yes this is only my opinion, but im going to say it anyways. If you people would sit down and listen to the CD all the way through, you would understand that they are not telling you to go against Bush, they are just telling you to take the information that you are given and become an individual with it. I believe that other people on here have said that Green Day is telling you to go against Bush for no apparent reason, but they aren't. Yes they may be against him, but they aren't telling you to be too. You shouldn't be dissing on other people's opinions, just state your own....
by Rachael October 31, 2004
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i liked green day better when they made fun of marilyn manson
the beautiful people the beautiful people
by smoke a bowl September 30, 2004
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An American who waves american flags, supports George W. Bush, and is proud to be part of the rich populace. Most people who are rich and upper middleclass, part of the more politically influenced churches and religions, and are against those who are Anti-war, pro-choice, feminist, and other liberals who "corrupt" America's moral and social soil especially in the Bible Belt. Tends to be socially, philosophically, and educationally uneducated in other words as they deal with anarchists (especially those who side with anarcho-syndicalism and anarcho-communism)and other liberals/radicals who are opposed to the State's ideas especially about War, Enviromentalism, and other ideas that impact America and other nations. Also the slave to American corporatism.
1. There are so many American Idiots in Missouri! God, there is even one living right next to me!
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 5, 2008
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Probably the best Green Day album since Dookie (with the possible exception of Nimrod). A kick ass album, in which every song seems to be memorable in some way. A load of hillbillies and Bush lovers took offence, because of the political message. Screw them, it rocks.
American Idiot rocks. Buy it. Buy it now.
by BadBurrito February 25, 2005
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An album by Green Day. Best Green Day album next to Dookie and Revolution Radio

Something you dont want to be
"Dont wanna be an American Idiot! Don't want a nation under the new mania! Hey can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind-fuck America!"
by Father of All Mother Fuckers November 20, 2020
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Yet another record people love to hate simply because it breaks rank from a bands usual musical direction. Also associated with the "Liberal Media Bias", along with Micheal Moore films, any TV stations minus Fox News, and other scapegoats for peoples mindless hate.
"OMG American Idiot SuX! I don't have the attention span for a nine minute songs! Better go listen to New Found Glory before my head asplodes!"
by Azraith October 4, 2004
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