A fictitious country made by several college students in the year of our Lord twenty-not-three.(2003) It is run by a Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, among many others. There is a Cartoon called "The Adventures of Andew and Jer-Mac" (the Chancellor and his Vice), A rap video/ state of the Union, and a religion based on Al Gore. They have a website but on this website advertising of websites is strongly forbidden.
"Where'd you get that snazzy shirt, Scag?"
"Why I purchased it from the great nation of Alabama Republic of Canada!"
by Lfnt September 12, 2006
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One of the gayest websites and concepts out there. A bunch of faggots (see: faggot) put this together to waste time and have sex with men.
Hey, why do you have aids?

Why, I went to the Alabama Republic of Canada, of course.
by Legion666 October 31, 2007
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