When a man usually African American with a beard is performing cunninglus on a female and his beard tickles their anus causing them to body slam the man's face.
Tyrone: Hey Fred, I just totally gave your mom an African Tickler and she busted my lip.

Fred: Your gross man! Get the hell away from me!
by BiGdAdDy15973 January 19, 2012
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An old African-American male that normally looks like Morgan freeman. He goes around tickling Italian male's balls.
Barry: Donquavious Jarhavious keeps tickling my balls during my work meetings!
John: Donquavious Jarhavious is such an African Nutsack Tickler.
by Jamal Quandarius April 19, 2022
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The act of sticking ones penis in a hairy mans ass. Then you tickle him until he defecates on your penis. Then you force the man to suck the other mans penis.
I saw Kyle and Zach today giving each other African monkey ticklers, they looked tired.
by simmondiew November 15, 2010
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When an African American has a long beard and he goes down on someone and tickles there anus.
That black guy with the braided beard i hooked up with last night gave me a African Tickler.
by AppleMCfreely January 19, 2012
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