best cartoon EVER even if the only episode was less than 8 minutes long. i never thought that nickelodeon would have such a cool show.
by patoot July 11, 2008
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A show that started off as a plotless stereotypical children’s show with dumb gags and nonsensical plot attempts but transformed into an emotional lore filled yet still humorous interesting amazing show. It’s almost like as Finn grew the show grew. I mean, it kind of is.
Every nonsensical humorous anomaly that seemed like someone just pulled it out of their ass had so much more accounted for it as the show progressed.
It’s really good. The first few seasons are just dumb but as you go it keeps getting better and better
Why do you like Adventure Time so much”
I don’t know I just do
by Raymond gaymond June 16, 2023
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It's a show on Cartoon Network that has got to be designed for 12 year old stoners high on Oregano.
"dude im so high right now lets watch adventure time hehahehahheblaaahhhh"
by ThymeSmoker June 28, 2013
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Taking 5 lines of cocaine before doing sexual activitys.
Hey guys I just got back form adventure time with Tom never do that many lines again.
by mycockistobig February 1, 2011
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A show that is Babyish and is on ABC3, Channel GO! and Cartoon Network. It is designed for12 year olds not 30 year olds
Hey lets watch adventure time! 'No I hate that show!'
by antijamal June 2, 2013
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Tripping on acid/shrooms, or any hallucinatory drug; so much so that you experience a cartoonish, alternate reality.

A reference to the Cartoon Network show "Adventure Time."
Person 1: "Hey man, I just bought some LSD."
Person 2: "Sick, wanna go adventure timing?"
Person 1: "Yeah, I'm ready to see Lady Rainicorn in person. What time is it?"
Persons 1 and 2: "Adventure time!"
by DJ GeoSpec February 18, 2011
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Possiably the most pimptastical short movie ever made by anyone ever. Will make you puke your ass laughing. Cartoon network is now adopting this into a full show. All of us whom have watched will be watching with great intrest.
Adventure time, common grab your friends and travel to very distant lands. Jake the dog and Pen the human the fun will never end, its ADVENTURE TIME. MATHEMATICAL RHOMBUS!
by That kid with the fedora January 22, 2010
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