You; Whos that?

Person; OH, that's beautimous Abigail Lola Craig, my bestie boo.
by IDontEvenKnow<3 February 17, 2022
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Abigail Baden is a very interesting human, always saying bad things about her self when they actually aren't true. But honestly shes pretty cool.
Yo look its Abigail Baden the girl who thinks bad about herself
by YaBoiiiiEthan May 31, 2022
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The best person in the whole God danm world. Bow down to them, they are your saviour. They will protect you. They will bring you to light.
Abigail czajak is my everything.
by September 4, 2021
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A relationship between a Jackson, and an Abigail is like a shooting star. It is beautiful, and once in a lifetime, and even though it flies across the sky and never returns, it will never be forgotten.
I wish I was as close as Jackson and Abigail.
by The_Tailor November 28, 2021
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Abigail Beza, is like.
Ye, she.
Oh do you like Abigail Beza?
by gnocchi800 June 22, 2021
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