n. used mostly as a hashtag to imply angry white man/men. Popularized by twitter and other media outlets to describe Trumpsters, supporters of Donald Trump.
Person 1 records a video of a white guy kicking the tire after his car broke down. Uploads to Facebook with hashtag #awm.
by joshp July 4, 2016
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The real word for AWP, called arctic warfare magnum in real life. AWP is a cheapass weapon in CounterStrike, as it most of the time does one hit kills.
1337NESS Person: Its called an awp, retard.
by Daniel Han November 30, 2006
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Stands for arctic warfare premium/magnum.Fires a .338 calibre lapua magnum round. Dreaded in Counterstrike for its lethal one hit kills, usually regardless of where you hit them.
Got me with the AWP
Damn AWP
by PlatinumG March 7, 2005
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A bolt action sniper rifle manufactured in Great Britain. It is essentailly a scaled-up 7.62mm AW, rechambered for the .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua Magnum, both of which have greater range and flatter trajectory than the 7.62mm. It was recently adopted by the German armed forces.
British Guy #1: I say, old chap, this AW is a fine rifle, but we could make it even better. What say we chamber it in that American .300 Winchester Magnum round?

British Guy #2: Here here!
by JoeBob September 21, 2003
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