An overdiagnosed, yet very real disorder that can be used by soccer moms as an excuse for their lazy ass little child to not do work or for the soccer mom to steal their amphetamines (stimulant meds for the disorder) and snort them at three in the morning.

Categorizes a set of behaviors such as inattentiveness and disorganization, hyperactivity, and potential trouble with filters in speech or actions, which is also called impulsivity, memory, and such. May last for multiple years or be until end of life.
It also allows you to see what the world is besides the boring bullshit mundane fucking "world" of """normal""" people.

When you have ADHD while the instructor of your class or your boss is directing you and you already know or think you know what they're talking about, you instantly divert your attention to something infinitely more interesting or relative to you.
Shit monotonous teacher: "Alright kids, you learned this three grades ago, but (insert boring, pointless, meandering, monotonous and drab speech here)"

ADHD child in head, while staring out window.: "Shut up, old cow... Anyway, I can not fucking wait to jack off tonight and also watch that new movie while or after I jack it.. Maybe video games. How about dead chicken corpses for dinner? WOO! I'll tell mom after I get euthanized and shit. Totally cool."

Shit monotonous teacher: "Are you paying attention, Tim Slim Jim?"

ADHD child: "I would be if it weren't for the fact that your lesson is shitty and boring, as well as ultimately pointless and repetitive to me because I don't breathe through my mouth."

Kid gets sent to office and gets in trouble for something that comes naturally to him, especially if it's for inattentiveness or not doing work.
People speculate that ADHD isn't real because of soccermoms and druggies.
Hoo hah, the whole world done fucked up.
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ADHD is an impulse control disorder typcially aggravated by inconsistent parenting. Most children with severe cases of ADHD come from households where parents set little if any limits especially in regard to technology such as the Internet and video games.
Parents of children with ADHD always count to three before they unplug the computer.
by Gary Vitalis February 24, 2007
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It seems to be over diagnosed and self diagnosed lot. It's a lot more than just being hyperative or inattentive. While that is part of it, there's also other symptoms like executive dysfunction, auditory processing disorder, sensory processing disorder, rejection sensitive dysphoria, sleep problem, impulsivity, etc. I, a person who has adhd, deals with all of this. I am also unmedicated. you're more susceptible to depression and anxiety as you grow up being different or just being told you're lazy and you're a waste of space. i don't know a lot of the science behind this, but like i really don't care, these are my experiences. my brother has adhd too, him and i grew up with hypocritical parents that were emotionally abusive. well have a nice day <3
"I can't come up with an example for ADHD, so I won't"
by ilikesmackingmykeyboard April 17, 2021
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attention deficit... in high definition! Now you can see everything that's wrong with me! psych no, it's attention-span shattering television with great picture quality.
I watch ADHD TV in my living room for hours on end.
by constromlie August 28, 2008
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A gift, not a curse. Most people with ADHD believe that they need to take adderall/vyvanse/ritalin etc. to be "normal". People with ADHD are usually more creative, exciting, fun to be around, wise (but usually impulsive), original, and see the world in a different way than most people. It is normally a nightmare to parents, but a wonderful thing to kids/teens that can appreciate it and not only focus on the fact that school is more difficult with it.

Source: Someone diagnosed with ADHD and who is often around many other people diagnosed with ADHD as well.
Person 1: Man I hate having ADHD. School is so hard and i cant remember shit. Good thing ive got adderall to make me normal.

Person 2: Instead of whining about how your ADHD makes life so hard, how about enjoying it and making the most of it.
by WowDogeWow December 29, 2014
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A disease magically discovered when teachers were forced to get more involved in the educations of their students due to the demands of parents and the government. Suddenly the educational staff discovered that some students hate school and don't want to learn and will slack off, day dream, and act out to avoid the classroom. Discipline did not work. So what did they decide?
"Oh, let's just drug them all and make them listen."
Billy acted out in class and didn't do his homework, so his teacher said he had ADHD.
His parents put him on Ritalin a few days later.
by Kr1574 August 25, 2008
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ADHD is a disability. Yeah, and that's it.

Because I am not a DR or anything, the signs are based on my experiences:
Oh, and if you related to a lot of the signs, you have ADHD.

1. Gets distracted easily
2. Interrupts ppl a lot
3. Gets bored easily when doing things you don't like
4. HATES loud noises
5. Has hygiene issues
6. Forgets things easily, but has a good memory overall
7. Looks up random facts online for hours instead of doing actual important tasks
8. Feels the need to look up ADHD on Urban dictionary
9. Relates to lots of ADHD celebs/ppl
10. is on the ASD spectrum (most of the time ppl have both)
11. is fidgeting with something right now
12. forgot to make lunch/breakfast/dinner but is currently snacking on something
13. is supposed to be working on chores/homework right now but is instead serving Urban Dictionary
14. is using the internet while also attempting to get ready in the morning
15. Is supposed to be doing something else right now
Person 1: So I might have ADHD.
Person 2: What makes you think that?
Person 1 playing with a Rubik's cube: Huh? I was distracted. Can you repeat what you said?
Person 2: I asked you why you think you have ADHD.
Person 1: I really don't know, but check out this cool article on the history of orange juice!
Person 1: I'll see you later! I wanna go do some more research on Orange juice so I can learn more.
Person 2: She is a girl. Girls don't have ADHD.
Person 3: Kills person 2 with a knife for being sexist.
Person 1 about to enter the library: So why was I heading to the Library again?
Person 3 shouting from a distance: Didn't you wanna learn more about orange juice?
Person 1: Nah. That's too boring. I'ma just go play videogames.
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