A Mexican wet back spick degenerate from the greasiest part of Guatemala or Guadalarjay that has no moral compass, class and can’t even come close to acting like a respectable gentlemen. Who didn’t go to college so he resorts to stealing peoples kidneys, stealing peoples house, bed room and car keys and making copies of them to steal, stalk or harm them, snorting chemicals, glass or poison from the Lower 4th or Lower 5th Dimension hi jacking 3rd Dimensional Humans bodies and making them snort that harmful crap, pooping on people from the Lower 4th or Lower 5th Dimension like to Elohim God Ptah (Phil Piquet Vargas) from the Aurora Universe 1 Milky Way Galaxy of planet Earth and selling there kidneys on the black market
Oh come on Man don’t pull a Mando Aldana on me or I will deport you to Mexico like Donald Trump would to a piece of shit Mexican breaking the American Laws
by A God known as Ptah March 26, 2022
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